一名 72 岁的妇女通过浴室窗户逃离着火的房子。 A 72-year-old woman escapes a burning house through bathroom window.
一名 72 岁的妇女被困在旺加马塔一座着火的建筑物内,一名 66 岁的男子被捕并被指控犯有纵火罪。 A 72-year-old woman was trapped inside a burning building in Whangāmata, where a 66-year-old man was arrested and charged with arson. 大火在一小时内被扑灭,这名女子被听到她呼救的公众救起。 The fire was extinguished within an hour, and the woman was rescued by members of the public who heard her calls for help. 该男子将于周二再次在汉密尔顿地方法院出庭。 The man is due to appear in Hamilton District Court again on Tuesday.