游戏为拉大学生的大脑活动研究提供了信息。 Gaming informs LU student’s research on brain activity.
劳伦森大学的学生 Anthony Zanetti 正在研究具有电磁场的可穿戴技术如何能够潜在地提高游戏等高浓度活动的注意力和表现。 Laurentian University student Anthony Zanetti is researching how wearable technology with electromagnetic fields could potentially improve focus and performance in high-concentration activities, such as gaming. 通过研究在电磁场存在和不存在的情况下玩贪食蛇电子游戏的参与者并分析他们的大脑活动,萨内蒂观察到与持续注意力、注意力和集中力相关的大脑区域的变化。 By studying participants who played the video game Snake with and without an electromagnetic field present and analyzing their brain activity, Zanetti observed changes in regions of the brain associated with sustained attention, concentration, and focus. 这些发现表明,电磁场正在产生有益的影响,并可能导致可穿戴电磁耳机设备的开发,以提高未来的注意力。 These findings suggest that the electromagnetic field was having beneficial effects and could potentially lead to the development of wearable electromagnetic headpiece devices to enhance concentration in the future.