研究人员开发了“MouseGoggles”,一种VR系统,供小鼠研究像阿尔茨海默氏一样的脑疾病。 Researchers develop "MouseGoggles," a VR system for mice to study brain disorders like Alzheimer's.
康奈尔大学的研究人员发明了“MouseGoggles”,这是用智能观察显示等负担得起的部件为实验鼠设计的VR头盔。 Researchers at Cornell University have created "MouseGoggles," a VR headset for lab mice using affordable components like smartwatch displays. 小鼠在跑步机上戴的护目镜捕捉了荧光脑图像,可提供对阿尔茨海默氏等脑疾的洞察力。 The goggles, worn by mice on a treadmill, capture fluorescent brain images and could provide insights into brain disorders such as Alzheimer's. 该小组旨在为较大鼠类开发一个移动版本,并吸收更多的感官经验。 The team aims to develop a mobile version for larger rodents and incorporate more sensory experiences.