在Towan海滩发现的汽车点燃了当地人的好奇心;车辆后来未经协助便离开。 Car spotted on Towan Beach sparks local curiosity; vehicle later exits unassisted.
有人看到一辆黑暗的汽车停在康沃尔Newquay的Towan海滩,引起当地人对车被卡住还是故意开到那里的问题。 A dark car was seen parked on Towan Beach in Newquay, Cornwall, raising questions among locals about whether it was stuck or intentionally driven there. 当地Facebook团体分享照片, Photos were shared on a local Facebook group, sparking comments and concerns. 目击者后来证实,汽车离开海滩后没有援助。 Eyewitnesses later confirmed the car left the beach without assistance. 继2024年1月发生类似事件之后,一辆奔驰车被卡住,需要救出一辆拖拉机。 This follows a similar incident in January 2024 where a Mercedes got stuck and needed a tractor to be rescued.