塞特福德古屋博物馆获得国家彩票遗产基金 19.9 万英镑的拨款,以纪念杜利普·辛格大君的遗产,作为其百年庆典的一部分。 Thetford's Ancient House Museum receives £199k grant from National Lottery Heritage Fund to commemorate Maharajah Duleep Singh's legacy, as part of its centennial celebration.
英国一家博物馆获得国家彩票遗产基金近 20 万英镑的拨款,用于纪念锡克帝国最后一位统治者杜利普·辛格大君的遗产。 A museum in the UK has been awarded nearly 200,000 pounds in grant by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to mark the legacy of Maharajah Duleep Singh, the last ruler of the Sikh empire. 位于诺福克郡塞特福德的古屋博物馆在成立 100 周年之际获得了这笔资金,这笔资金将用于通过展览、活动和活动讲述这个家族的故事。 The Ancient House Museum in Thetford, Norfolk received the funding on its 100th anniversary, with the grant set to be used to tell the family's story through displays, events and activities. 该博物馆由弗雷德里克·杜利普·辛格 (Frederick Duleep Singh) 王子于 1924 年建立,他是杜利普·辛格 (Maharajah Duleep Singh) 大君的儿子,也是 1799 年旁遮普锡克帝国创始人兰吉特·辛格 (Maharajah Ranjit Singh) 大君最小的儿子。 The museum was established in 1924 by Prince Frederick Duleep Singh, the son of Maharajah Duleep Singh, who was the youngest son of Maharajah Ranjit Singh, founder of the Sikh empire in the Punjab in 1799.