周六,特拉华县格兰德湖的箭头游艇俱乐部 (Arrowhead Yacht Club) 遭遇火灾,一周多前,另一场火灾摧毁了附近的三艘船只;消防队员努力扑灭猛烈的火焰。 On Saturday, Arrowhead Yacht Club in Grand Lake, Delaware County, faced a fire just over a week after another fire destroyed three vessels nearby; firefighters worked to extinguish the intense flames.
特拉华县格兰德湖的一个游艇俱乐部和码头于周六晚上发生火灾,就在一周多前,另一场火灾摧毁了该地区的三艘船只。 A yacht club and marina at Grand Lake, Delaware County experienced a fire on Saturday evening, just over a week after another fire had destroyed three vessels in the area. 箭头游艇俱乐部完全被火焰吞没,消防队员正在努力扑灭大火。 The Arrowhead Yacht Club was fully engulfed in flames, with firefighters working to extinguish the blaze. 邻居们报告说,他们看到火势从一个小火苗迅速蔓延到吞没了整个餐厅。 Neighbors reported watching the fire grow quickly from a small flame to engulfing the entire restaurant. 游艇俱乐部的老板乔·哈伍德 (Joe Harwood) 正遭受着企业和社区的重大损失。 The owner of the yacht club, Joe Harwood, is experiencing significant loss for the business and community.