佐治亚州参议院以 30 比 19 的投票结果成立了一个特别委员会,调查法尼·威利斯 (Fani Willis) 和下级律师内森·韦德 (Nathan Wade) 之间涉嫌的婚外情。 The Georgia Senate votes 30–19 to create a special committee to look into the alleged affair between Fani Willis and Nathan Wade, a lower-level attorney.
共和党控制的佐治亚州参议院投票决定成立一个特别委员会,重点关注富尔顿县地方检察官法尼·威利斯(Fani Willis)和下属律师内森·韦德(Nathan Wade)之间涉嫌的不当关系,后者被聘请负责领导针对前总统唐纳德·特朗普等人的选举干预案。 The Republican-controlled Georgia Senate has voted to establish a special committee focusing on the alleged improper affair between Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and subordinate counsel Nathan Wade, who was hired to lead the election interference case against former President Donald Trump and others. 该决议以 30 票赞成、19 票反对获得通过。 The resolution passed with 30 votes in favor and 19 against.