法官命令特伦斯·布拉德利就特别检察官内森·韦德和地方检察官法尼·威利斯之间的关系作证。 Judge orders Terrence Bradley to testify on relationship between special prosecutor Nathan Wade and DA Fani Willis.
在佐治亚州针对前总统特朗普的选举干预案中,法官裁定特别检察官内森·韦德的前法律合伙人泰伦斯·布拉德利必须就他对韦德和地区检察官法尼·威利斯关系的了解作证。 In Georgia's election interference case against former President Trump, a judge has ruled that former law partner of special prosecutor Nathan Wade, Terrence Bradley, must testify about his knowledge of Wade and District Attorney Fani Willis' relationship. 被告辩称,威利斯和韦德因个人关系而致富,这可能会导致威利斯丧失起诉此案的资格。 The defendants argue that Willis and Wade have enriched themselves due to their personal relationship, and this could disqualify Willis from prosecuting the case.