加拿大数字服务税在对外国技术公司征收3%的税方面可能与美国发生贸易争端。 Canadian digital services tax faces potential trade dispute with the US over its 3% tax on foreign tech firms.
加拿大商业理事会警告说,该国的数码服务税可能会损害与美国的贸易关系。 The Business Council of Canada has warned that the country's digital services tax could harm trade relations with the U.S. 理事会敦促加拿大政府取消对外国技术公司征收的3%的税,因为美国贸易代表根据加拿大-美国-墨西哥贸易协定寻求协商,认为这项税是歧视性的。 The council urged the Canadian government to revoke the 3% tax on foreign tech firms after the U.S. Trade Representative sought consultations under the Canada-U.S.-Mexico trade agreement, viewing the tax as discriminatory. 如果75天内未解决,美国可设立一个争端解决小组。 If unresolved in 75 days, the U.S. may pursue a dispute settlement panel.