在沃尔玛外的一辆房车里,一位老年人的住房梦想“戏剧性逆转”上演。 In an RV outside Walmart, a senior dreams of housing as ‘dramatic reversal’ plays out.
77 岁的基思·莱特 (Keith Light) 从最近的住院康复中恢复过来,在沃尔玛外的一辆房车里,他梦想着拥有稳定的住房。 In an RV outside a Walmart, 77-year-old Keith Light dreams of stable housing as he recovers from a recent hospital stay. 在 BC Housing 的等候名单上待了两年后,Light 仍然希望接到电话为他提供补贴住房。 Having spent two years on BC Housing's waiting list, Light continues to hope for a call offering him a subsidized home. 他的情况反映了不列颠哥伦比亚省的一个更大问题,由于高昂的住房成本,越来越多的老年人发现自己陷入贫困或处于贫困边缘。 His situation reflects a larger issue in British Columbia where seniors are increasingly finding themselves in poverty or on the brink of it due to high housing costs.