老年人在沃尔玛外住房车的梦想发生了“戏剧性的逆转”。 Senior dreams of housing in RV outside Walmart amid a 'dramatic reversal.'
77岁的基思·莱特(Keith Light)曾是一名建筑工人,在一次事故后已出院,现在住在温哥华东部一家沃尔玛外的一辆休闲车里。 Keith Light, a 77-year-old former construction worker, has been discharged from hospital after an accident and is now living in a recreational vehicle outside a Walmart in East Vancouver. 他梦想着接到 BC Housing 的电话,并在补贴住房的等候名单上等待了两年。 He dreams of receiving a call from BC Housing and is on the waiting list for subsidized housing for two years. 莱特是不列颠哥伦比亚省大量生活在贫困或边缘的老年人之一,那里高昂的住房成本加剧了全国范围内的生活成本问题。 Light is among the large population of elderly people living in poverty or on the brink in British Columbia, where high housing costs exacerbate countrywide cost-of-living issues.