德里警方启动了“城市干预”,以培训警官更快地应对人质情况。 Delhi Police launch 'Urban Intervention' to train officers for quicker hostage situation responses.
德里警方已启动“城市干预”计划, 训练新兵迅速应对人质事件。 The Delhi Police have launched an 'Urban Intervention' program to train recruits for swift responses in hostage situations. 首批25名军官在马内萨尔完成了为期两周的核供应国集团培训课程,重点是城市危机管理和武器处理。 The initial batch of 25 officers completed a two-week NSG training course at Manesar, focusing on urban crisis management and weapon handling. 警察的目标是训练300名突击队人员,并进一步扩大该方案。 The police aim to train 300 commandos and expand the program further. 这项计划旨在减少在首都紧急情况下需要NSG或SWAT队的外部援助. This initiative aims to reduce the need for outside assistance from NSG or SWAT teams in metropolitan emergencies.