在密歇根州罗斯维尔,一名盗窃嫌疑人因盗窃银行 5,200 美元而被捕时,在他的夹克口袋里发现了一只 5 周大的蓝色斗牛犬小狗,名叫 Frappy。 In Roseville, MI, a theft suspect had a 5-week-old blue pit bull puppy named Frappy found in his jacket pocket during arrest for $5,200 bank theft.
在底特律郊区,警方在逮捕一名盗窃嫌疑人的口袋里发现了一只蓝眼睛的小狗。 In a Detroit suburb, police found a tiny blue-eyed puppy in the pocket of a theft suspect during an arrest. 这只蓝色斗牛犬大约 5 周大,被带到动物收容所,在那里她被命名为 Frappy。 The blue pit bull was about 5 weeks old and was taken to an animal shelter, where she was named Frappy. 在被转移到寄养机构并支付了扣押费后,Frappy 被归还给了她的主人。 After being transferred to foster care and her owner paid an impound fee, Frappy was returned to her owner. 店主因涉嫌窃取银行客户的钱财而被指控盗窃罪。 The owner is charged with larceny for allegedly stealing money from a bank customer.