数字平台 Nysh.in 推出 WARMEE 旅行取暖器。 Digital platform Nysh.in introduces WARMEE Travel Warmer.
Nysh.in 是一个提供创新产品的数字平台,它开发了 WARMEE 旅行取暖器,这是一种自加热设备,旨在在寒冷的天气中提供温暖和舒适。 Nysh.in, a digital platform offering innovative products, has developed the WARMEE Travel Warmer, a self-heating device designed to provide warmth and comfort during cold weather. 该产品售价 625 美元,将重新定义人们在寒冷条件下保护自己的方式。 The product, priced at 625/, is set to redefine the way people protect themselves from cold conditions. WARMEE 是冬季郊游的必备伴侣,无需电力、电池或其他能源即可提供无与伦比的温暖。 WARMEE is an essential companion for winter outings, offering unbeatable warmth without requiring electricity, batteries, or other energy sources. 该设备采用空气驱动,使其成为寒冷天气中保暖的实用且高效的解决方案。 The device is air-activated, making it a practical and efficient solution for staying warm in cold weather.