警察局长表示,在又有六人因梅西百货盗窃案被指控后,芝加哥郊区的移民犯罪被称为“真正的问题”。 Migrant crime was labeled a'real problem' in a Chicago suburb after six more were charged in Macy's thefts, says the police chief.
周二,来自委内瑞拉和智利的六名移民在芝加哥郊区的梅西百货公司发生两起不同的事件,偷走了超过 10,000 美元。 Six migrants from Venezuela and Chile stole over $10,000 from a Macy's in a Chicago suburb in two separate incidents on Tuesday. 盗窃案发生在梅西百货商店,近几个月来,该商店一直是移民盗窃和入室盗窃的目标。 The thefts occurred at the Macy's store, which has been a target for thefts and burglaries by migrants in recent months. 这一事件突显了移民犯罪活动的严重性,一天之内就有六起重罪被捕就证明了这一点。 The incident highlights the seriousness of migrant criminal activity, as evidenced by six felony arrests in one day.