芝加哥居民在报告称公寓大楼内有武装移民后警告委内瑞拉帮派。 Chicago resident warns Venezuelan gangs after reports of armed migrants in apartment complex.
一名芝加哥居民警告委内瑞拉帮派不要恐吓当地人,此前有报道称武装移民占领了一栋公寓楼。 A Chicago resident has warned Venezuelan gangs against terrorizing locals after reports of armed migrants overtaking an apartment complex surfaced. 此前在科罗拉多州奥罗拉也提出类似申诉,警察否认有任何犯罪组织存在。 This follows similar claims in Aurora, Colorado, where police denied any criminal organization's presence. 虽然芝加哥警方回应了32名委内瑞拉武装人员的报告,但没有发现任何武器或摩托车。 While Chicago police responded to a report of 32 armed Venezuelans, no weapons or motorcycles were found. 在这些事件中,人们提出了对安全和处理日益增加的移徙人口的关切。 Concerns about safety and the handling of increasing migrant populations have been raised amid these incidents.