响尾蛇队和外野手乔克·佩德森同意为期一年的合同。 Diamondbacks and outfielder Joc Pederson agree on 1-year deal.
亚利桑那响尾蛇队和自由球员外野手乔克·佩德森已就一份为期一年、价值 950 万美元的合同达成一致,其中包括 2025 年的共同选择权。 The Arizona Diamondbacks and free agent outfielder Joc Pederson have agreed on a one-year, $9.5 million deal that includes a mutual option for 2025. 31 岁的佩德森十年来一直是一个强大的威胁,职业生涯为道奇队、小熊队、勇士队和巨人队打出了 186 个本垒打。 Pederson, 31, has been a consistent power threat for a decade, with 186 career home runs for the Dodgers, Cubs, Braves and Giants. 他是 2015 年洛杉矶队和 2022 年旧金山队的全明星球员,但上赛季的表现并不那么高效,击球率为 0.235,打出 15 个本垒打。 He was an All-Star with Los Angeles in 2015 and San Francisco in 2022 but wasn't as productive last season, batting .235 with 15 homers.