最高法院维护密西西比州剥夺重罪犯定罪后投票权的法律。 Supreme Court upholds Mississippi law stripping voting rights from felons post-sentence.
美国最高法院维持了密西西比州取消被判定犯有包括非暴力罪行在内的某些重罪的个人投票权的做法。 The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld Mississippi's practice of revoking voting rights for individuals convicted of certain felonies, including nonviolent crimes. 法院拒绝对已服满刑期但无法重新获得投票权的居民提出的上诉进行复审。 The court declined to review an appeal from residents who have completed their sentences but cannot regain their voting rights. 第五巡回上诉法院先前裁定,永久丧失投票权并不构成残忍和不寻常的惩罚。 The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals previously ruled the permanent loss of voting rights does not constitute cruel and unusual punishment. 密西西比州立法者对修改法律负责。 Mississippi legislators are responsible for any law changes. 受禁令影响的大约58%的人是黑人。 About 58% of those affected by the ban are Black.