包括一名指挥官在内的四到五名伊朗军事顾问在以色列对叙利亚首都革命卫队大楼的空袭中丧生。 Four to five Iranian military advisors, including a commander, are killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Syrian capital at a Revolutionary Guard building.
据官员称,以色列对叙利亚首都的空袭至少导致五名伊朗顾问丧生。 Five Iranian advisors were killed, at least, by an Israeli airstrike on the capital of Syria, according to officials. 伊朗准军事革命卫队使用的一栋建筑成为袭击目标,导致该建筑被毁,多名重要人员死亡。 A building used by the Iranian paramilitary Revolutionary Guard was the target of the attack, which resulted in the building's destruction and the deaths of multiple important individuals. 此次事件暴露了以色列和伊朗之间持续不断的敌对行动。 The continuous hostilities in the region between Israel and Iran are brought to light by this incident.