以色列袭击大马士革伊朗大使馆,导致多名遇难者,其中包括穆罕默德·礼萨·扎赫迪。 Mohammad Reza Zahedi among many killed as Israel strikes Iran embassy in Damascus.
以色列轰炸了伊朗驻叙利亚大使馆,标志着两国冲突大幅升级。 Israel bombed Iran's embassy in Syria, marking a significant escalation in the conflict between the two nations. 伊朗官方媒体报道称,此次袭击造成七名军事顾问死亡,其中包括三名高级指挥官,并摧毁了领事馆大楼。 Iranian state media reported that the attack killed seven military advisers, including three senior commanders, and destroyed the consulate building. 以色列军方没有对这次袭击发表评论。 The Israeli military did not comment on the strike. 此次事件发生之前,以色列对叙利亚境内的伊朗目标进行了一系列空袭。 This incident follows a series of Israeli airstrikes on Iranian targets in Syria.