社交媒体上分享了一架波音 747 货机在从迈阿密飞往波多黎各的途中出现发动机问题的图片。 On social media, images of a Boeing 747 cargo plane with engine problems that occurred during flight from Miami to Puerto Rico were shared.
这架飞机从迈阿密国际机场起飞后不久就出现发动机故障。 The aircraft experienced engine trouble shortly after takeoff from Miami International Airport. 当机组人员报告这一问题时,这架波音 747 货机正在飞往波多黎各路易斯·穆尼奥斯·马林国际机场的途中。 The Boeing 747 cargo plane was en route to Luis Munoz Marin International Airport in Puerto Rico when the crew reported the problem. 阿特拉斯航空将进行检查以确定发动机故障的原因。 Atlas Air will conduct an inspection to determine the cause of the engine malfunction. 社交媒体上未经证实的视频显示,飞行过程中飞机机翼冒出火焰。 Unverified videos on social media showed flames coming from the plane's wing during the flight.