温哥华机场警方给“有攻击性”的乘客戴上吐口水兜帽。 Police put spit hood on 'aggressive' airline passenger at Vancouver's airport.
一名“好斗”的航空公司乘客据称袭击了一名旅伴后试图咬警察,但温哥华机场的警察在他的头上戴上了吐痰头巾。 An "aggressive" airline passenger who tried to bite officers after allegedly assaulting a travel companion had a spit hood placed on his head by police at Vancouver's airport. 航空公司工作人员报了警,称这名乘客对工作人员和乘客构成了安全风险。 The police were called by airline staff, who reported that the passenger posed a safety risk to staff and passengers. 这名乘客因咬人和吐口水进行反抗,根据《精神健康法》被捕。 The passenger was apprehended under the Mental Health Act after resisting by biting and spitting. 该事件发生在加拿大航空 297 号航班上,导致延误。 The incident occurred on Air Canada flight 297, causing a delay.