一名 55 岁的美国男子咬伤了一名空乘人员,并在着陆时被捕,全日空飞往美国的航班返回东京。 After a 55-year-old American man bit a cabin attendant and was arrested upon landing, the US-bound ANA flight returned to Tokyo.
全日空航空公司一架飞往美国的航班,一名 55 岁的美国乘客在旅途中咬伤了一名空乘人员,因此不得不返回东京。 A US-bound ANA flight had to return to Tokyo after a 55-year-old American passenger bit a flight attendant during the journey. 该男子喝得酩酊大醉,咬伤了服务员的手臂,造成轻伤。 The man, intoxicated and heavily drunk, bit the attendant's arm, causing a mild injury. 这架载有 159 名乘客的飞机飞越太平洋返回羽田机场,该男子被移交给警方。 The plane, carrying 159 passengers, turned back over the Pacific to Haneda Airport, where the man was handed over to the police.