拜登将胡塞武装从恐怖分子名单上除名,这又困扰着他。 Biden Taking Houthis Off Terrorist List Comes Back to Haunt Him.
总统乔·拜登因推翻前总统唐纳德·特朗普将胡塞武装列入美国恐怖分子名单的决定而面临保守派批评。 President Joe Biden is facing conservative criticism for reversing former President Donald Trump's decision to put the Houthis on the U.S. terror list. 2021 年初特朗普卸任前几天,前国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥 (Mike Pompeo) 宣布,美国已将也门叛乱组织列为“外国恐怖组织”,尽管国际社会担心此举可能在也门引发人道主义危机。 Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the U.S. had designated the Yemeni rebel group a "foreign terrorist organization" days before Trump left office in early 2021, despite international concerns that the move could create a humanitarian crisis in Yemen. 一个月后,拜登政府取消了这一称号。 The Biden administration removed the designation one month later.