迈阿密布法罗比尔队比赛结束后,一名六国男子在停车场枪击事件中丧生。 A Six Nations man was killed in a parking lot shooting after a Buffalo Bills game in Miami.
布法罗比尔队球迷迪伦·艾萨克斯在离开比尔队与迈阿密海豚队的比赛后被枪杀。 A Buffalo Bills fan, Dylan Isaacs, was shot and killed after leaving the Bills-Miami Dolphins game. 当一名司机撞到艾萨克斯或试图用他的车撞他时,艾萨克斯被留在朋友身边。 Isaacs was left with friends when a driver hit him or tried to hit him with his car. 尽管第一反应者做出了努力,艾萨克斯还是被枪杀了。 Despite the first responders' efforts, Isaacs was shot and died. 枪手的车辆在西棕榈滩被找到。 The gunman's vehicle was recovered in West Palm Beach. 迈阿密花园警方已发出信息请求,并鼓励任何有信息的人联系凶杀组侦探。 Miami Gardens Police have issued a plea for information and encourage anyone with information to contact homicide Det. M·利萨德。 M. Lissade.