10 岁的迪伦·科迪·科尔曼 (Dylan Coady Coleman) 在爱尔兰克莱尔郡 (Co Clare) 被一辆货车撞死,就在他母亲分娩的前一天。 10-year-old Dylan Coady Coleman dies after being struck by a van in Co Clare, Ireland, a day before his mother's childbirth.
10 岁男孩迪伦·科迪·科尔曼 (Dylan Coady Coleman) 在爱尔兰克莱尔郡被一辆货车撞死。 10-year-old boy, Dylan Coady Coleman, dies after being struck by a van in Co Clare, Ireland. 这起事件发生在周日,就在他母亲生下新弟弟的前一天。 The incident occurred on Sunday, just one day before his mother gave birth to their new baby brother. 整个克莱尔社区都在哀悼迪伦的去世,他的学校圣托拉国立学校在社交媒体上表达了哀悼和悲痛,并缅怀他是学校社区“深受爱戴”的成员。 The entire Co Clare community is mourning the loss of Dylan, and his school, St Tola's National School, expressed their condolences and grief on social media, remembering him as a "much loved" member of the school community.