世界卫生组织 (WHO) 估计瓶装水中含有多达 10 亿个塑料颗粒。 The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that up to 1 billion plastic particles are in bottled water.
最近的一项研究表明,瓶装水中的塑料颗粒含量可能比之前估计的多 100 倍。 A recent study suggests that bottled water may contain up to 100 times more plastic particles than previously estimated. 研究人员利用先进技术发现,流行瓶装水品牌中每升水中平均含有 240,000 个可检测到的塑料碎片。 Using refined technology, researchers found an average of 240,000 detectable plastic fragments per liter of water in popular bottled water brands. 这引起了潜在的健康问题,需要进一步研究,因为这些纳米塑料可以穿透人体细胞、进入血液并影响主要器官。 This raises potential health concerns that require further study, as these nanoplastics can penetrate human cells, enter the bloodstream, and impact major organs.