一名司机因车辆撞上白宫大门而被捕。 A driver was arrested following vehicle crashing into White House gate.
一名男子因驾车撞上白宫大楼外的大门而被捕。 A man has been arrested after crashing a vehicle into a gate outside the White House complex. 该事件发生在当地时间18:00之前,当时总统乔·拜登并不在华盛顿特区。 The incident occurred before 18:00 local time, and President Joe Biden was not in Washington, DC. 没有人员伤亡报告,一人被拘留。 No injuries were reported, and one person was taken into custody. 事故仍在调查中,尚未宣布任何刑事指控。 The crash is still under investigation, and no criminal charges have been announced.