华盛顿特区的车祸撞入建筑物,造成火灾和受伤;原因正在调查中。 Car crash in D.C. crashes into building, causing fire and injuries; cause under investigation.
周四上午,在华盛顿特区东北发生车祸,汽车撞入一座单层商业大楼,那里有一个成人日托和儿童保育中心。 A car crash occurred in northeast Washington D.C. on Thursday morning, with the vehicle crashing into a one-story commercial building that houses an adult daycare and childcare center. 坠机引起火灾,大楼部分倒塌。 The crash caused a fire and partial collapse of the building. 消防员救出一名被困在燃烧车辆中的妇女,并将她送往医院,伤势严重。 Firefighters rescued a woman trapped in the burning vehicle and took her to the hospital with serious injuries. 没有其他受伤的报告,附近企业未受影响。 No other injuries were reported, and nearby businesses were unaffected. 坠机原因正在调查中。 The cause of the crash is under investigation.