《肉类与牲畜》羔羊广告发布,以幽默的方式诠释了代沟的概念。 The Meat & Livestock lamb ad has been released, taking a humorous approach to the concept of generation gap.
澳大利亚年度羔羊广告发布,以幽默的方式诠释代沟概念。 Australia's annual lamb advertisement has been released, taking a humorous approach to the concept of the generation gap. 这段半开玩笑的视频针对的是婴儿潮一代、X 世代、千禧一代和 Z 世代,并以著名大使 Sam Kekovich 为主角。 The tongue-in-cheek clip targets baby boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z and features the well-known lambassador Sam Kekovich. 该广告涵盖了各种主题,例如手机使用、俚语、房屋所有权和“取消文化”。 The ad covers various topics such as mobile phone usage, slang, home ownership, and "cancel culture." 《肉类与牲畜》的年度羔羊广告将在电视、网络、电视回放、付费社交和户外零售渠道上播出。 Meat & Livestock's annual lamb advertisement will be broadcast across TV, online, catch-up TV, paid social, and retail out-of-home channels.