加纳财政部长在新总统领导下提出第一笔预算,旨在稳定经济。 Ghana's Finance Minister to present first budget under new president, aiming to stabilize economy.
财政部长卡西尔·阿托·巴赫·福森博士将于2025年3月11日提交由约翰·马哈马总统领导的加纳第一笔预算。 Finance Minister Dr. Cassiel Ato Baah Forson will present Ghana's first budget under President John Mahama's administration on March 11, 2025. 预算旨在稳定经济,计划取消某些税收,并与货币基金组织合作制定财政政策指导。 The budget aims to stabilize the economy, with plans to abolish certain taxes and engage with the IMF for fiscal policy guidance. Mahama总统将于2月27日发表第一次国情咨文, 讨论经济挑战与复兴战略。 President Mahama will deliver his first State of the Nation address on February 27, discussing economic challenges and strategies for revival. 国家经济对话定于3月3日至4日举行,以便让利益攸关方参与经济转型计划。 The National Economic Dialogue is scheduled for March 3-4 to involve stakeholders in economic transformation plans.