在Stearns县,火灾摧毁了12x20英尺的棚屋;木柴炉被怀疑是造成火灾的原因。 Fire destroys 12x20-foot shed in Stearns County; wood stove suspected as cause.
明尼苏达州Stearns县12x20英尺的棚屋被火灾损坏, A fire damaged a 12x20-foot shed in Stearns County, Minnesota, on Sunday afternoon. Dennis Carlson 88岁的地产所有者 报告了火灾的发生 Dennis Carlson, the 88-year-old property owner, reported the blaze. 包括Kimball消防局在内的紧急救援人员抵达时,发现棚屋被火焰完全淹没。 Emergency crews, including the Kimball Fire Department, arrived to find the shed fully engulfed in flames. 他们设法扑灭了大火,但棚屋遭受了严重破坏。 They managed to extinguish the fire, but the shed sustained significant damage. 没有报告有人受伤,当局怀疑是木炉造成的。 No injuries were reported, and authorities suspect a wood stove was the cause.