明尼苏达州温盖尔的农场火灾,起因是阁楼干草点燃,未报告有人员受伤。 Barn fire in Winger, Minnesota, caused by hay igniting in the loft, with no reported injuries.
2月17日,明尼苏达州Winger农村发生谷仓火灾,没有人员或动物受伤的报道。 A barn fire occurred in rural Winger, Minnesota, on February 17, with no reported injuries to people or animals. 波尔克郡治安官办公室 约在早上8点30分被叫到 发现谷仓被烧焦 The Polk County Sheriff's Office was called around 8:30 a.m. and found the barn smoldering. 多个消防部门作出反应,明尼苏达州消防局局长确定,火灾是由谷仓阁楼的干草着火造成的。 Multiple fire departments responded, and the Minnesota State Fire Marshal determined the fire was caused by hay catching fire in the barn's loft.