育空地区总理访问华盛顿,反对美国关税,并讨论北极合作问题。 Yukon Premier visits D.C. to oppose U.S. tariffs and discuss Arctic cooperation.
育空地区总理Ranj Pillai访问哥伦比亚特区华盛顿,讨论北极问题,反对美国对加拿大货物的关税。 Yukon Premier Ranj Pillai visited Washington, D.C., to discuss Arctic issues and oppose U.S. tariffs on Canadian goods. Pillai和其他加拿大总理会见了美国官员,强调两国之间的经济相互依存关系,以及需要在北极安全和经济倡议方面开展合作。 Pillai and other Canadian premiers met with U.S. officials, emphasizing the economic interdependence between the two countries and the need for cooperation on Arctic security and economic initiatives. 这些访问是在美国对加拿大产品征收新关税的威胁下进行的。 The visits came amid threats of new tariffs by the U.S. on Canadian products.