印度部长推行循环经济以削减进口、创造就业和改善与美国的贸易。 Indian minister pushes circular economy to cut imports, create jobs, and improve trade with the US.
印度部长Bhupender Yadav强调循环经济对于促进印度发展的重要性,其目的是到2050年减少对资源进口的依赖并创造数百万个就业机会。 Indian Minister Bhupender Yadav stresses the importance of a circular economy to boost India's development, aiming to reduce reliance on resource imports and create millions of jobs by 2050. 他敦促各行业采用先进的回收技术并重新设计产品以循环使用。 He urges industries to adopt advanced recycling technologies and redesign products for circularity. 此外,印度正在与美国谈判改善贸易关系,争取降低关税,使其电子产品出口受益。 Additionally, India is negotiating with the US for better trade relations, seeking tariff reductions that could benefit its electronics exports.