FAA在SpaceX访问之前解雇雇员;批评者担心这有利于公司。 FAA lays off employees ahead of SpaceX visit; critics fear it favors the company.
联邦航空局解雇了许多雇员,这与SpaceX计划的访问同时发生。 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has laid off numerous employees, coinciding with a planned visit from SpaceX. 批评者认为这可能会削弱联邦的专业知识,并有可能通过开设利润丰厚的合同而使SpaceX公司受益。 Critics suggest this could weaken federal expertise and potentially benefit SpaceX by opening up lucrative contracts. 联邦航空局的目的是与SpaceX公司保持积极关系,尽管解雇的确切原因未披露。 The FAA aims to maintain a positive relationship with SpaceX, though the exact reasons for the layoffs are undisclosed.