Waikato的新肾脏设施开放,加大了对本地病人的护理力度,投入了大量资金。 New renal facility in Waikato opens, boosting care for local patients with a major investment.
北岛中部Waikato的一个新的肾脏设施正式启用,旨在为数百名当地病人提供关键的护理。 A new renal facility in Waikato, central North Island, was officially opened, aiming to provide crucial care for hundreds of local patients. 该中心比其前身大70%,将所有门诊肾脏服务合并到一个站点,改善了获得协调护理的机会。 The center, 70% larger than its predecessor, combines all outpatient renal services into one site, improving access to coordinated care. 卫生部长Simeon Brown强调,这是为提高获得保健服务的机会和质量而投入168.8亿美元投资的一部分。 The Health Minister, Simeon Brown, highlighted this as part of a $16.68 billion investment to enhance healthcare access and quality.