印度在尼泊尔开设新的中学,增加教育机会和双边联系。 India opens new secondary school in Nepal, boosting educational access and bilateral ties.
印度在尼泊尔乌达亚普尔开设了一所新的中学,这是印度发展援助的一部分。 India inaugurated a new secondary school in Udayapur, Nepal, as part of its development aid. 以3 799万卢比建造的Shree Janata Belaka中学为大约500名学生服务,其中55%为女生,是Purandah唯一的一所中学。 The Shree Janata Belaka Secondary School, built with NRs 37.99 million, serves around 500 students, 55% of whom are girls, and is the only secondary school in Purandah. 就职典礼强调了印度和尼泊尔之间的牢固关系,并旨在改善该区域的教育质量。 The inauguration highlighted the strong relationship between India and Nepal and aims to improve educational quality in the region.