海合会首长在慕尼黑会议上讨论加沙危机和与北约的贸易关系。 GCC chief discusses Gaza crisis and trade deals with NATO at Munich conference.
海合会秘书长Jassim Al Budaiwi在慕尼黑安全会议上会见了北约官员,讨论区域稳定和人道主义危机,特别是加沙的局势。 The GCC Secretary-General, Jassim Al Budaiwi, met with NATO officials at the Munich Security Conference to discuss regional stability and humanitarian crises, particularly in Gaza. Al Budaiwi强调海合会承诺减轻痛苦和维护区域稳定,并称赞海合会在国际安全中的作用。 Al Budaiwi emphasized the GCC’s commitment to alleviating suffering and maintaining regional stability, receiving praise for the GCC’s role in international security. 会议还讨论了海合会和欧盟之间可能达成的贸易协定。 Meetings also covered potential trade agreements between the GCC and the EU.