康涅狄格在明尼苏达州率先发起并激起社区参与后, 加入雪犁命名趋势。 Connecticut joins trend of naming snow plows, following Minnesota's lead and sparking community engagement.
康涅狄格州与明尼苏达州等其他州一起命名了雪犁,今年命名了12个雪犁。 Connecticut has joined other states like Minnesota in naming its snow plows, with 12 plows named this year. 明尼苏达州的倡议在北达科他州、佛蒙特州和新罕布什尔州等州激发了类似的竞赛。 Minnesota's initiative has inspired similar contests in states including North Dakota, Vermont, and New Hampshire. 新罕布什尔州交通部 (New Hampshire Department of Transportation) 的“Name A Plow”竞赛收到了 900 多份参赛作品,突出了社区参与和对辛勤工作的扫雪机工作人员的赞赏。 The New Hampshire Department of Transportation received over 900 entries for its "Name A Plow" contest, highlighting community engagement and appreciation for the hardworking snow plow crews.