美国明尼苏达州交通部公布了"给雪命名"比赛的获奖者, Minnesota DOT reveals winners of "Name a Snowplow" contest, with 44 plows named across the state.
明尼苏达州交通部已宣布第五个年度“雪花名”比赛的获奖者, 收到超过7,300个命名建议和32,000张选票。 Minnesota's Department of Transportation has announced the winners of its fifth annual "Name a Snowplow" contest, receiving over 7,300 name suggestions and 32,000 votes. 州长Tim Walz和专员Nancy Daubenberger披露了八个获胜者姓名,每个地区各有一个。 Governor Tim Walz and Commissioner Nancy Daubenberger revealed eight winning names, one for each of the agency's districts. 一些获奖者包括“Anthony Sledwards”, 灵感来自木材狼明星Anthony Edwards, 以及“我们去看暴风雪”。 Some winners include "Anthony Sledwards," inspired by Timberwolves star Anthony Edwards, and "We're Off To See The Blizzard." 这场比赛于2020年开始, 以在大流行病期间增加幽默感, 现在包括44个名为雪犁的全州范围。 This contest began in 2020 to add humor during the pandemic and now includes 44 named snowplows statewide.