联合王国警察寻找两名男子,即希金斯和林肯,他们因抢劫和袭击被通缉;敦促公众提供情报。 UK police seek two men, Higgins and Lincoln, wanted for robbery and assault; public tips urged.
赫特福德郡警方正在寻找两个人 斯蒂芬・希金斯,34岁 和利亚姆林肯,21岁 因抢劫和袭击被通缉 Hertfordshire Police are searching for two men, Stephen Higgins, 34, and Liam Lincoln, 21, wanted for robbery and assault. 希金斯下落不明 林肯未出庭 Higgins' whereabouts are unknown, and Lincoln failed to appear in court. 应立即拨打 999 报告目击事件,而其他信息可以在线或拨打 101 报告。 Immediate sightings should be reported by calling 999, while other information can be reported online or by calling 101. 匿名提示可以提供给犯罪制止者。 Anonymous tips can be given to Crimestoppers.