北朝鲜以自卫权为理由,要求美国停止军事威胁。 North Korea demands the U.S. stop military threats, citing its right to self-defense.
正如国家媒体KCNA报导, 朝鲜国防部官员呼吁美国在担心大陆安全时, 停止军事威胁。 North Korea's defense ministry official, as reported by state media KCNA, called for the US to stop military threats if worried about mainland safety. 以下是美国北方司令部关于朝鲜导弹飞抵美国的评论。 This follows comments by US Northern Command about North Korea's missiles reaching the US. 北朝鲜主张,它有权加强自卫,并批评美国的对抗行动,如对南朝鲜的军事演习和核潜艇部署。 North Korea argues it has the right to enhance its self-defense and criticizes US confrontational actions like military drills with South Korea and nuclear submarine deployments.