在Baton Rouge,5名家庭成员因贩毒被捕,3 000余例致命芬太尼被扣押。 Five family members were arrested in Baton Rouge for drug trafficking, with over 3,000 lethal fentanyl doses seized.
四名家庭成员被捕,一人在巴吞鲁日的一次毒品行动导致3 000多剂芬太尼和其他毒品被缉获后仍然在逃。 Four family members were arrested and one is still at large after a drug operation in Baton Rouge led to the seizure of over 3,000 lethal doses of fentanyl and other drugs. 东巴顿鲁日的警察在六个住址进行了突袭, 没收了毒品,现金和其他用品. East Baton Rouge deputies carried out raids on six addresses, seizing drugs, cash, and paraphernalia. 嫌疑人,包括一名18岁的女孩和她父亲Clifton Earl正在逃逸,面临贩毒和经营芬太尼实验室的指控。 The suspects, including an 18-year-old girl and her father, Clifton Earl, who is on the run, face charges for drug trafficking and operating a fentanyl lab.