亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆官员通过视频会面,讨论边界划定的细节。 Armenian and Azerbaijani officials meet via video to discuss border delimitation details.
2025年2月14日,亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆分别举行了由副总理Mher Grigoryan和Shahin Mustafayev领导的电视会议,讨论边界划界问题。 On February 14, 2025, Armenia and Azerbaijan held a video conference led by their Deputy Prime Ministers, Mher Grigoryan and Shahin Mustafayev, respectively, to discuss border delimitation. 会议包括划界活动准则草案和即将举行的面对面会议的规划。 The meeting covered draft guidelines for delimitation activities and planning for an upcoming in-person meeting. 双方同意通过进一步磋商确定下一次会议的细节。 Both sides agreed to set the details for the next meeting through further consultations.