亚美尼亚宪法法院确认亚美尼亚-阿塞拜疆边界划界条例的合法性。 Armenian Constitutional Court affirms legality of Armenian-Azerbaijani border delimitation regulation.
亚美尼亚宪法法院确认,亚美尼亚-阿塞拜疆国家划界委员会的管理条例符合该国宪法。 The Constitutional Court of Armenia has affirmed that the regulation governing the Armenian-Azerbaijani state border delimitation commissions aligns with the country's constitution. 这项便利两国联合活动的条例于8月30日签署,并于9月4日获得亚美尼亚政府批准。 This regulation, which facilitates joint activities between the two nations, was signed on August 30 and approved by the Armenian government on September 4. 法院的裁决确认了在划界方面这些努力的合法性。 The court's decision confirms the legality of these efforts in border demarcation.