UMKC提前五年获得R1研究地位,提升了堪萨斯城的学术形象。 UMKC earns prestigious R1 research status five years early, boosting Kansas City's academic profile.
密苏里-堪萨斯市大学(UMKC)比2030年目标提前五年取得著名的卡内基R1研究机构的地位。 The University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) has achieved the prestigious Carnegie R1 research institution status, five years ahead of its 2030 goal. 美国只有187所大学拥有这一称号,反映了UMKC在研究和开发方面的大量投资。 Only 187 universities in the U.S. hold this designation, reflecting UMKC's significant investment in research and development. 这一成就不仅提升了UMKC的声誉,而且增强了堪萨斯市作为教育和创新中心的地位,有可能吸引企业和高薪工作。 This achievement not only elevates UMKC's reputation but also enhances Kansas City's standing as a hub for education and innovation, potentially attracting businesses and high-paying jobs.