克什米尔大学的创新评级猛升至四星,反映出研究和创业方面的重大进步。 Kashmir University's innovation rating soars to 4 stars, reflecting significant advancements in research and entrepreneurship.
克什米尔大学获得美洲信息和通信技术创新理事会四星级评分,与四年前的两星级评分相比取得了重大进展。 Kashmir University (KU) received a 4-star rating from the AICTE Innovation Council, marking significant progress from its two-star rating four years ago. 评分凸显了大学在创新和创业方面的卓越表现。 The rating highlights the university's excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship. KU的副校长赞扬CIIE团队的努力,强调该机构致力于为创新和研究营造一个强有力的生态系统。 KU's Vice-Chancellor praised the CIIE team for their efforts, emphasizing the institution's commitment to fostering a robust ecosystem for innovation and research.