特别保险公司Convex集团获得对新的劳埃德辛迪加1984年批准,以150万英镑的保险费为目标。 Specialty insurer Convex Group gains approval for new Lloyd's Syndicate 1984, targeting £150M in premiums.
特别保险公司Convex集团已经获得批准,从2025年4月开始启动1984年Lloyd辛迪加联合公司,旨在保证1亿5 000万英镑的保险费总额。 Specialty insurer Convex Group has received approval to launch Lloyd's Syndicate 1984, starting in April 2025, aiming to underwrite £150 million in gross premiums. 由Jacqueline Wiffen牵头的辛迪加将关注各种国际商业领域,包括事故与健康、伤亡与能源。 Led by Jacqueline Wiffen, the syndicate will focus on various international business lines including accident & health, casualty, and energy. Convex由Stephen Catlin和Paul Brand创办,以其高金融评级闻名。 Founded by Stephen Catlin and Paul Brand, Convex is known for its strong financial ratings.