IGPIA通过Fidelis Partnership与Lloyd的市场达成3.1B的再保险交易。 IGPIA secures $3.1B reinsurance deal with Lloyd's market through The Fidelis Partnership.
国际P&I俱乐部集团 (IGPIA) 通过菲德利斯合伙公司的合伙人获得了首次私人投资,占IGPIA31亿美元再保险合同的5%份额. The International Group of P&I Clubs (IGPIA) has secured its first private placement in the Lloyd's market through The Fidelis Partnership's syndicate, representing a 5% share in the IGPIA's $3.1 billion reinsurance contract. 这标志着一项重大交易,凸显了劳埃德的信用质量和海事保险专业知识。 This marks a significant deal, highlighting Lloyd's strong credit quality and marine insurance expertise. 总部位于百慕大的Fidelis Partnership成为第一家获得IGPIA批准的管理总承销商. The Fidelis Partnership, based in Bermuda, became the first managing general underwriter to receive approval from the IGPIA.